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Jun 10, 2019

This week we start off a little differently as we get to know Twitter's The Nerdy Vixen, who has recently gotten quite a bit of attention for her new best friend:  Abigail the Totally NOT Haunted Doll.

But while getting to know all about Abigail was both fun and terrifying, there's so much more to talk about!  The Nerdy Vixen is an active and outspoken member of The Resistance, doing her part to help dig America out of the Orange Mess that we've gotten ourselves into.

We talk 2020 candidates, Medicare for All, courts, the Census, activism, getting out the vote, and so much more!

Make sure you follow both of them on Twitter, because the last thing we want to do is make Abigail jealous!


Questions or comments? You can find us all over the social medias!


Twitter: @kidfreeweekend (Jennifer) or @podofthrones (Jeff)

YouTube: The Kid-Free Weekend

Facebook: The Kid-Free Weekend