Aug 21, 2017
We catch on to an 8-year-old crazy by finally starting The Walking Dead! And then, we binged all of Marvel's The Defenders. ALL OF IT.
Links from the show:
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Aug 14, 2017
Jeff wanted to make sure Jennifer saw Atomic Blonde ASAP, to see if she got the same, huge "feels" that she got from Wonder Woman. The feels definitely weren't the same, but they were intense. We talk about the ins-and-outs of this extraordinarily-badass action/thriller, and we do it without giving away the twists...
Aug 11, 2017
Our first-ever journey to San Diego Comic Con took a lot out of us, whether you measure that by energy (and therefore why it took us over 2 weeks to add this final podcast) or by stuff (RIP our digital recorder). But did we have fun? You bet we did!
This first trip to the BIGGEST Con, however, was as much a learning...
Aug 10, 2017
One of the very few audio recordings that made it out of Comic Con alive, we're happy to bring you a short interview with an incredible artist! Christopher Clark was doing some painting right there on the exhibit hall floor, and when we saw the vast array of amazing, nerdy art that he and his cohorts were offering, we...