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Oct 31, 2015

In this obligatory Halloween-themed episode, Jeff challenges Jennifer to find the most disturbing real-life story ever, they have a discussion of what's *really* scary, and Jeff discovers that being in love with a corpse can still warm hearts. PEOPLE ARE STRANGE!

Oct 21, 2015

We welcome cosplayer, musician, and all-around kickass gal Mowseler to the show! We talk Jedi Cosplay, an intensely-creepy new video game called Allison Road, The Force Awakens, alien genitalia, and we figure out Padme's real-world analog. Mowseler also shares her musical gifts with tracks titled "The One" and...

Oct 15, 2015

Jeff and Jennifer skip out on life's responsibilities to see Kevin Smith and Chris Hardwick on Comedy Central's @Midnight ... and then Kev cancels. They made the most of the day and still had a great time, while also learning the dark secrets of the fake-game-show racket. WOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Oct 7, 2015

NSFW! Politics is great and all, but things take a turn when Jennifer asks Jeff an extremely uncomfortable question. Jeff learns that municipal codes are both sexy and sexist, we like Bernie better than Hillary, we continue to await Elon Musk's attention, and Jennifer declares both woman and dogs to be disgusting....