Dec 26, 2016
It's the December holiday season, and that means it's STAR WARS TIME! This year, Disney has gifted us Rogue One, a Star Wars tale designed to thrill the detail-oriented super-nerd in all of us... or almost all of us. Between Jeff and Jennifer, one of them loved this movie, while the other was underwhelmed. Lots to...
Nov 28, 2016
Jeff & Jennifer had a quiet, kid-free Thanksgiving, but did their best to ease the pain by dorking out on the Xbox (Rock Band; Skyrim), trying out Jackbox and the HTC Vive with some friends, and watching one of 2016's top-ranked scary movies: Hush.
Like what you hear? We would LOVE it if you tell some friends, or write...
Nov 20, 2016
This week we are joined by author and ultra-movie-nerd Kevin Smokler! Mr. Smokler just released his new book, Brat Pack America: A Love Letter to 80s Teen Movies, and he generously agreed to sit down with us to talk about John Hughes films, other beloved 80s movies, modern 80s nostalgia, and the dark, awful truth...
Nov 15, 2016
This week, Jeff & Jennifer take a break from pop-culture nonsense to talk about election nonsense. Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 White House race, and now Jeff is scared for every other race out there. How did Trump win? Are minorities and Muslims going to be OK? They take on politics, economics,...
Nov 4, 2016
Mike Zapcic, Ming Chen, and Bryan Johnson make up three-fourths of the stars of AMC's hit show Comic Book Men. Jeff talks about how he knows these guys, Jennifer relays a story about almost cheating on Jeff with one of them, and then a short interview with Mike and Ming about the store and the show. Make sure...